Meeting the Heathen Goddesses: An Introduction to the Cosmology and Character of the Ásynjur

Join us on a four week exploration of the Lore, Practice, and Understanding of Inclusive Heathenry, Asatru, and Norse Paganism with a focus on the feminine forces of Deity, Magic, and Divine Relationship.
- Are you being called by the Heathen Goddesses/Ásynjur?
- Are you unsure where or how to begin your journey?
- Are you ready to learn more and deepen your Spiritual Practices?
Janine Marie, a Maine Witch/Heathen, will be your guide to build your confidence in the rich, Magical, and complex world of the Heathen Ásynjur/Goddesses, Dísir and beyond.
Janine Marie has been a practicing Witch for over 30 years, and lives in Devotion and Service to her Lady. She has been a practicing Heathen for 18 years, and Gythja (Priestess). She is also involved in Heathenry in the NorthEast and beyond. After a recent trip to Iceland she has been inspired to share her wisdom and knowledge on this path.
Each class will include a discussion of Heathen concepts and Goddesses/Ásynjur, a guided journey, recommendations on further study, and ways to build your own practice and relationship with the Goddesses and Dísir. Cozy up with us this cold Maine winter on Friday nights, Frigg’s Day, and immerse yourself in the stories of the Ásynjur and foundational concepts in modern Heathen practice.
- February 21: Heathen Cosmology
- February 28: Land, Spirits, and Ancestors
- March 7: The Norns, Jötnar, & Germanic Goddesses
- March 14: The Vanir and Æsir Goddesses
This course is offered at a sliding scale to be accessible and of most benefit to the community. Scholarships are also available; email janinemarie333 at gmaildotcom to inquire.
Classes will be presented via Zoom and will be recorded for those who cannot make the live sessions. Zoom link will be emailed upon registration.
A note from your Instructor
In the Spring of 2007 I had a calling to the Heathen Traditions, a personal story that I tell often round a fire. From there my Journey began to develop my relationship with the Goddesses of Heathenry and to deepen my knowledge and my connections with my Ancestors. I believe if you are called you are called, no matter what your Ancestral line. The Gods are of the past, yes, but they are also pulling us forward, and readying us for this time as well. You have been called to this Workshop, you honored and heard the calling to deepen your personal practice and that is the most powerful thing one can do.
Reading the Lore was the first thing I heard in Community, over and over, and I began my learning with the “Prose Edda” by Snorri Sturluson and other books. Book learning is one thing and experience another, particularly in the Heathen Tradition. We have access to written works speaking of our Faith tradition.
I was Blessed to have the opportunity to travel to many Gatherings of a variety of Practicing Heathens over these past 15 years where I deepened my Connections, my Practice and my Knowledge of our Practices in this Modern World. I also began my study of the Elder Futhark at this time. As a practicing Runester, deepening my knowledge of Cosmology, the Sagas, the vocabulary and the deeper Spiritual knowings in the Lore helped me to understand the concepts of the Elder Futhark. Developing a working relationship with Them has been a focus of my Witchcraft and Healing practices.
One of my first powerful Heathen experiences was within a workshop with Diane Paxson at Eccumenicon 2009 (which no longer exists). I also found a study and practice group that met yearly in remote areas, to learn, practice and engage in deep Rites, Blots and teachings. These experiences grew my confidence in Communing with my Ladies, Frigg and Freya, and opened the door to explore the other Feminine Forces from Heathenry.
Heathenry is not practiced in a void, in my opinion. Modern Heathenry includes conducting ourselves within a Community. The strongest principle of Heathenry that I took deep to heart was to live with Honor, Courage and Integrity. The Havamal is one place in the Lore where we find a way to deepen our personal values and how we live our lives as Modern Heathens.
I look forward to coming together and sharing my wisdom, experience, and supporting you in deepening your connections with the Divine through the Heathen Goddesses, Dísir and Feminine Forces.
~Janine Marie