2025 Rituals, Readings & Public Offerings

Readings at Leapin' Lizards

Saturday, April 5, 11am-5pm

123 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032

Beltane Ritual with Freyja: Loving the Self

Sunday April 27, 6pm-7:30pm   |   Firefly Studio, Bath ME

Join us in a joyful celebration of spring, beauty, and pleasure with Norse goddess Freyja. Freyja was known for her sensuous beauty, love of adornment, and unapologetic desire. We will enjoy an evening of sweetness and magical self-care in honor of Freyja; everyone will get to make a honeyed sugar scrub with essential oils to brighten and stimulate the skin for the coming of spring. Honey mead, elderflower pressé, and flower petal shortbread will be served.


LiaLusin: Full Moon Circle with Armenian Goddess Tsovinar

Saturday May 10, 9pm ET  |  Online

First of a series of Full Moon Circles honoring the ancient Armenian goddesses: we begin with Tsovinar, goddess of Sea and Storms. A brief talk about the history and mythology of the goddess, a guided journey to encounter her, a bit of folk magic, and a divination for all attending.

Readings at Leapin' Lizards

Saturday, May 3, 11am-5pm 

123 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032

Readings at Leapin' Lizards

Saturday, June 7, 11am-5pm 

123 Main St, Freeport, ME 04032

LiaLusin: Full Moon Circle with Armenian Goddess Nané

Wednesday June 11, 9pm ET  |  Online

Second of a series of Full Moon Circles honoring the ancient Armenian goddesses: Nané, goddess of War and Wisdom. A brief talk about the history and mythology of the goddess, a guided journey to encounter her, a bit of folk magic, and a divination for all attending.

LiaLusin: Full Moon Circle with Armenian Goddess Astghik

Wednesday July 9, 9pm ET  |  Online

Third of a series of Full Moon Circles honoring the ancient Armenian goddesses: Astghik, "little star," goddess of Love. A brief talk about the history and mythology of the goddess, a guided journey to encounter her, a bit of folk magic, and a divination for all attending.

Lughnasa Ritual with Hestia: Embracing the Bounty

Sunday July 27, 6pm-7:30pm   |   Firefly Studio, Bath ME

Join us for an enriching evening celebrating the bounty of the harvest and the comforts of home with Hestia, goddess of the Hearth. Hestia was the primary household goddess of the ancient Greeks, and a portion of every sacrifice was always offered to her first. We will offer gratitudes for our blessings and create an ornamental talisman from salt dough for prosperity to keep in our kitchen hearths. Spiced golden milk and fresh baked bread will be served.


LiaLusin: Full Moon Circle with Armenian Goddess Anahit

Saturday August 9, 9pm ET  |  Online

Fourth of a series of Full Moon Circles honoring the ancient Armenian goddesses: Anahit, "the Golden Mother," goddess of abundance, motherhood, wisdom, fire and water. A brief talk about the history and mythology of the goddess, a guided journey to encounter her, a bit of folk magic, and a divination for all attending.

LiaLusin: Full Moon Circle with Armenian Goddess Spandaramet

Sunday September 7, 9pm ET  |  Online

Fifth and final of a series of Full Moon Circles honoring the ancient Armenian goddesses: Spandaramet, goddess of the Underworld and the sacred vine. A brief talk about the history and mythology of the goddess, a guided journey to encounter her, a bit of folk magic, and a divination for all attending.

Samhain Ritual with Hekate: Entering the Liminal

Sunday October 26, 6pm-7:30pm   |   Firefly Studio, Bath ME

Join us for a mystical evening with Hekate, goddess of thresholds, witchcraft and magic as we enter into the darkening season. At this time of year it’s believed the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is thinnest. We will ritually release our fears, foibles and failures accumulated over the year, and everyone will get to make a divination pendulum. We will call on Hekate to empower it to receive messages from our beloved dead. Blackberry pomegranate punch and dark chocolate will be served.