Via Carmen Pythia

Via Carmen Pythia

I’m happy to announce that I will once again have the honor of co-teaching the Via Carmen Pythia with Mandala Priestess Yeshe Matthews of the Mt Shasta Goddess Temple.

Have you always yearned to explore the facets of your intuition and delve into the mystical world of divination? You are invited to open your mind, expand your vision, and commit to a hands-on, experiential training in Via Carmen Pythia: the Way of the Singing Oracle. This program is a two year intensive study for women in classical and modern forms of divination, from casting the bones to interpreting dreams and the flight of birds; from reading tarot, runes and tea leaves to scrying with mirrors and fire. Each month we deep dive into a different modality: learning the history of the form, studying and practicing the technique, discovering an ancestress who worked in its lineage, and engaging in creative projects that will enhance your personal divination work. Year one explores 4 different passages of wisdom, each guided by an animal spirit and a specific tool for use in the practices. These tools are crafted specifically for students of the Via Carmen Pythia, and may be purchased as a set or individually.

Year two continues this work through the lens of working with 4 goddesses as guides to our intuition, integrating different forms of divination into a cohesive personal sibylline practice, and learning the practical aspects of offering your visionary work to the public. Classes begin this month! Tuition is $150 monthly and includes: a primary Zoom meeting discussing a specific form of divination, a detailed written lesson on its technique and history, a group Zoom “lab” to practice the technique, a second written lesson exploring the life of an ancestress of the divination lineage, and finally, instructions for a creative project to support the divination practice.

Classes and Lessons take place in the convenient Goddess Temple App, our socio-educational learning platform (membership of $59.99 per year includes access to a host of resources, video classes, livestreams, ceremonies, and bonus materials).

This course is a soulful and deeply instructive exploration of your intuitive potential. If you would like to be considered for this transformational training, please fill out the Priestess Application linked at the bottom of this page to receive further information on suggested prerequisites as well as course dates and times.

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